Why TMS Works for Treatment Resistant Depression

A man holds his head as he struggles with treatment resistant depression.

Finding an effective depression treatment can be a challenge. The standard protocol is to prescribe an antidepressant medication and evaluate the patient’s response. If that medication does not adequately control the depression, or if the side effects of the medication are too severe, a new prescription is issued for a different antidepressant. This process continues […]

Dealing with Depression – How to Get out of a Depressive Episode

Woman suffering from a depressive episode

Having to deal with depression is one of the most challenging mental illness endeavors anyone can have to undertake. Depression is like a hole that keeps digging itself. Depression puts you in a place where you lose energy, motivation, and hope, the three feelings you need to take you out of it in the first […]

Signs Your Antidepressant Dose is Too High – The Drawbacks of Antidepressants 

Pill bottle showing that this person's antidepressant dose is too high

Antidepressants are drugs prescribed to treat symptoms associated with social anxiety disorder, depression, seasonal affective disorder, and dysthymia. They’re used to regulate or correct chemicals in the brain responsible for mood and behavior change.  These medications are intended to help treat symptoms of depression and anxiety. Starting an antidepressant is something that should be discussed […]

Can Depression Cause Memory Loss?

Man whose suffering from depression and also struggling with memory loss

Depression can be devastating because of how much it impacts your health. But the same condition can also affect your cognitive function, mainly related to memory loss. For the more than 20 million adults in the United States experiencing depression, experiencing this symptom can be devastating. As if the resulting mental health struggles weren’t enough, […]

Self-Sabotaging & Depression

Self-Sabotaging Depression in Riverside County, CA

There are many facets to depression. One thing that many people with depression experience is self-sabotage. People with mental health struggles may find it hard to avoid sabotaging their daily lives.  This happens when people undermine themselves. They do things that prevent them from being successful. For example, they might decide to skip class, knowing […]

Am I Depressed? Depression Self-Test

Pregnant and Depressed

Am I Depressed? Depression Self-Test Read on for the depression self-test and everything you need to know about depression, from signs to treatment options. (844) 944-3867 Get Help Now Table of Contents Are you feeling depressed? It is important to know you are not alone, and there is help out there. Over 17 million people […]

The Connection Between Depression and Self-Esteem

depression and self-esteem

Depression and low self-esteem are not the same thing. However, the two conditions have been shown to share a relationship with each other. We all have times in which we lack confidence and underperform to our expectations. Similarly, we all have days in which we are sad. However, when these issues become long-term problems, we […]

Veterans and Depression


Veterans and Depression Addressing the Problem (844) 944-3867 Get Help Now Table of Contents There is an unfortunate link between veterans and depression. Over 1 in 10 male veterans are depressed. And, female veterans face an even higher rate of depression at 15%. Considering the anxiety and depression rates among veterans, our hope today is […]

Pregnant and Depressed

pregnant and depressed

Suffering from prenatal or postpartum depression from pregnancy? Try our EPDS test to self-assess for prenatal or postpartum depression.

5 Ways Depression Affects Veterans & Active Military Members

Depression Affects Veterans

According to the National Alliance on Mental Illness, about one out of every 4 active duty military members in the United States showed signs of mental health conditions. In fact, in 2018, more than 1.7 million Veterans received treatment for mental health conditions in a VA program. Because it is common for veterans and active […]