Depression Treatment -Murrieta Psychiatry

Find Help for Depression at Inland Empire TMS

Depression Treatment in Murrieta

Depression is a complex and debilitating mental health condition with both physical and mental symptoms. Depression symptoms include feelings of sadness, difficulty concentrating, lack of motivation, and general apathy. Physical symptoms include disruption in sleep patterns (excessive sleep or inability to sleep), fatigue, and rapid weight gain or loss.

A couple enjoys time together, free from the weight of depressionDepression does not just affect the person suffering from depression; it impacts spouses and partners, children, family members, and even coworkers and friends. Many times, watching someone else struggle with depression and not knowing how to help can trigger feelings of helplessness, guilt, or shame.

This guide to depression provides helpful information on depression risk, depression symptoms, and depression treatment available in southern California. If you are concerned about a loved one with symptoms, or looking for help for depression for yourself, read on to find help available.

Who is At Risk For Depression?

There is no single demographic for depression. It can affect both men and women of all ages, races, and income levels. Depression can be found in children, teenagers, throughout adulthood, and in the elderly population.

While both men and women experience depression, women are about twice as likely to be diagnosed with depression as men. That is partially due to genetic factors, to women being more likely to seek help for depression, and due to certain types of depression that are linked with motherhood and childbirth, such as perinatal and postpartum depression.

Although genetics do contribute to your risk of depression, you can develop depression even if you have no prior history or family history of depression. If you do have a family history of depression, you are at a two to three times higher risk for depression than on average.

Depression Symptoms: How to Tell if You Have Depression

Symptoms of depression may develop gradually over time, making it harder to detect on your own. You may have become used to the symptoms of depression or attribute them to some other cause. Depression screening with a psychiatrist is the best way to determine if you have depression.

Common symptoms of depression include:

• Feeling sad, hopeless, or no emotion at all
• Not enjoying things that used to bring joy, such as hobbies or social activities
• Being easily irritated or frustrated
• Overeating or eating too little, possibly accompanied by rapid weight gain or weight loss
• Difficulty sleeping (insomnia) or sleeping too much (hypersomnia)
• Having low energy or fatigue, constantly feeling exhausted
• Having a difficult time concentrating or remembering things
• Experiencing physical issues like headache, stomachache or sexual dysfunction
• Having thoughts of self-harm or suicide

If you, a family member, or loved one are exhibiting these symptoms, it’s a good idea to visit a psychiatrist and discuss your symptoms with them. They can provide an accurate diagnosis and a treatment plan.

If you are concerned about yourself or another person at risk for immediate self-harm, you should call 911 or drive the person to the nearest emergency room. Depression is serious and in many cases it is fatal. Emergency departments are equipped to handle urgent cases of depression.

For depression treatment that is less urgent, making an appointment with a psychiatrist is the best step to get help.

How Psychiatrists Treat Depression

Psychiatrists are medical doctors who specialize in diseases and disorders of the brain. Mental health is an essential component of overall health and well-being. Psychiatrists help patients achieve a positive state of mental health by treating issues such as depression, postpartum depression, anxiety, PTSD, OCD, bipolar disorder, and addiction/dependency issues.

Psychiatrists are licensed to prescribe medication. An antidepressant prescription is a common first-line treatment for depression. Your psychiatrist will work closely with you to adjust medication types or dosages to try to maximize the beneficial effect while minimizing negative side effects.

Psychiatrists may also prescribe other treatment such as psychotherapy or TMS – two popular depression treatments.

EEG Screening for Depression

EEG results of patient brain following TMS treatment for depressionSome psychiatrists use specialized tools to diagnose depression, such as an EEG (electroencephalogram). An EEG measures the electrical activity of the brain and displays a visual brain map. At Inland Empire TMS in Murrieta, California, all new patients receive an EEG screening in addition to standard depression assessment tools.

The visual mapping of the brain from the EEG helps to diagnose depression, anxiety, PTSD, or other mental health issues. These disorders leave a visual signature on the EEG. A psychiatrist then uses this information along with standard assessments to provide a complete diagnosis and recommend treatment.

Inland Empire TMS offers new patients a free EEG brain scan and depression screening at their office in Murrieta. To schedule a free brain scan and depression screening, request an appointment today.

Best Depression Treatment in Riverside County

Patients living in Murrieta, Temecula, Wildomar or other locations in Riverside County, California, have access to excellent psychiatric care for depression. Inland Empire TMS offers the latest, state-of-the-art diagnostic and treatment for depression from their clinic location in Murrieta.

Patient treatment consists of a full diagnostic evaluation using an EEG brain scan and standard depression screening assessments. Following a psychiatric evaluation, patients may be recommended for TMS therapy (Transcranial magnetic stimulation). TMS is a highly effective treatment for depression, including severe depression and treatment-resistant depression.

Patients prefer TMS over other depression treatment options because:

TMS is non-pharmaceutical. TMS directly stimulates the brain to achieve healing; it does not use medications (such as antidepressants) to achieve relief.
TMS is effective. TMS boasts high response and remission rates, even for patients with severe depression or diagnosed with treatment-resistant depression
TMS is covered by insurance. TMS is covered by most medical insurance as a covered benefit. Inland Empire TMS accepts most major commercial plans, TRICARE, and TriWest (Veteran’s) insurance plans.
TMS is long-lasting. TMS patients continue to maintain a beneficial response long after TMS therapy has finished. Patients do not have to remember to take daily medication
TMS has no systemic side effects. TMS is extremely well-tolerated. It is non-invasive, requires no anesthesia or numbing, and has no systemic side effects.

Find a Psychiatrist for Depression in Murrieta

Depression is a serious mental health condition that can severely impact quality of life. Depression can cause significant issues with work, school, family, and interpersonal relationships. Left untreated, depression often progresses to more severe levels.

For those struggling with depression in the Inland Empire area of California, Inland Empire TMS in Murrieta, California is an excellent clinic for depression treatment. Dr. Cox, clinic psychiatrist, is an expert in diagnosing and treating depression – in all its forms – using the latest diagnostic and treatment tools available.

Inland Empire TMS serves patients in Murrieta, Temecula, Corona, Riverside, and all of Riverside County. Active duty military, military veterans, and their families are especially welcome and receive care and treatment that is informed by the unique circumstances and needs of military members and their families.

Contact Inland Empire TMS today at (951) 228-3743 to schedule your depression screening and begin the journey to healing.

Find Help for Depression Today