Riverside County's Premier
TMS Treatment Center

SoCal's Finest TMS Center


What Is TMS?

Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation is the very latest in FDA approved technology that has been proven to help those who are struggling with depression. People who have found themselves completely out of options for dealing with their mental health have given this technology a chance and found it beyond beneficial.

Find out how this revolutionary technology works by clicking on the button below.

We accept all major insurance policies! Find out if you’re covered today!


We are experts in TMS Therapy and Treating Depression

Inland Empire TMS and our incredible staff are experts in treating mental illnesses, especially major depressive disorder. Inland Empire TMS strives to improve the mental health of Riverside County and others in Southern California, seeking new ways to improve their mental wellness.

Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation therapy makes this possible through the benefits of TMS technology.


The FDA has cleared TMS therapy as a safe and effective treatment for treatment resistant depression.


TMS is a non-pharmaceutical approach to treating mental illnesses, though some may wish to continue their medications.

No Systemic Side Effects

Side effects from TMS mostly include negligable side effects, such a temporary headaches — which are not common. Serious side effects happen in <0.1% of patients.

Meet The Team

We at Inland Empire TMS are dedicated to helping you or your loved one find a way to a happy and fulfilling life. That’s why our trained professionals utilize the very latest in life changing technology to help make that happen. Meet the people behind the success by clicking below.

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes! Depending on which insurance plan you have and certain criteria that need to be met, insurance can coverage the cost of your treatment.

Verify your treatment today!

Patients receiving TMS treatment sit in a comfortable chair with a magnetic coil placed atop their scalp in a strategically targeted area to focus on specific regions of the brain.

A treatment session typically lasts anywhere from 10 to 45 minutes, depending on the protocol designed for them. A patient is recommended to receive 30 to 36 treatment sessions over the course of 4 to 6 weeks.

Yes! TMS therapy can work alongside both medications and talk therapy.

In fact, we recommend patients going through TMS therapy at least continue talk therapy as it can further improve the benefits of TMS.

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Try TMS Therapy in Riverside County at Inland Empire TMS

Don’t let past unsuccessful treatments for your condition discourage you from continuing your pursuit of a better life.

Fill out the form below or give Inland Empire TMS a call for a free consultation!